Slow Down and Enjoy the Country!

Real Country 94.5 FM joins with safety organizations across the U.S. to promote Rural Road Safety Awareness Week July 14th-20th, 2024.

We just want to say “y’all be careful.”  You see, speed is a major cause of accidents and deaths on our country roads.  If we all slow down and enjoy the ride, we can help reduce those accidents.

Remember, just because you know a backroad like the back of your hand doesn’t mean the other fellow does.  And that deer doesn’t care about that sharp curve, he makes his own path through the woods.  Take it easy on the country roads, enjoy the countryside and some Real Country music while you’re at it.

So slow down, don’t be drinkin’, and buckle up.  We want you to enjoy the ride and live to tell about it.

A public service announcement from WNRA Real Country 94.5 FM.